Qi Link APP usage agreement


Special Note

Qi Link hereby reminds you that after completing the APP installation, please read this "User Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") carefully to ensure that you fully understand the terms of this Agreement. Your downloading, installation, use, etc. will be deemed as your acceptance of this Agreement and your agreement to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.


This agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between Qi Link and users regarding the "Qi Link" software service. "User" refers to third-party hardware manufacturers and individual users authorized to use this service. This agreement can be updated by Qi Link at any time. Once the updated agreement terms are announced, they will replace the original agreement terms without further notice. Users can check the latest version of the agreement terms in this APP. After Qi Link modifies the terms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the modified terms, please immediately stop using the services provided by Qi Link. The user's continued use of the services provided by Qi Link will be deemed to have accepted the modified agreement.


1. Permission to use (location information)

1.1. “Qi Link” is an APP based on mobile phone intelligent control. In order to support {Bluetooth device scanning} and {Bluetooth device communication} functions when users download and install, this application will collect location information data. Users should authorize Qi Link to disclose and use their geographical location information in order to successfully use "Qi Link". However, this type of data will not be collected when the app is closed or not in use.

2. Service content

2.1. The specific content of this service is provided by Qi Link based on actual conditions. Qi Link can change the services it provides, and the service content provided by Qi Link may change at any time; Qi Link will not issue notices about service changes one by one; the service content changed by Qi Link will be updated directly in the next version of the APP .


2.2. The services provided by Qi Link are all free services. If paid service functions are added later, we will notify you separately.


3. Protection of users’ personal privacy information

1. Qi Link does not obtain users’ personal privacy information. You can connect to third-party devices by downloading and installing the APP.

4. Content specifications

1. The content mentioned in this article refers to the hardware devices used by users when using this service;


2. Users are not allowed to use the hardware devices associated with the "Qi Link" APP to publish or disseminate content prohibited by the following laws, regulations and policies:


(1) Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;


(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;


(3) Damaging national honor and interests;


(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;


(5) Undermining national religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;


(6) Spread rumors, disrupt social order, and undermine social stability;


(7) Spread obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigate crimes;


(8) Insult or slander others and infringe upon others’ legitimate rights and interests;


(9) Failure to comply with the "seven bottom lines" requirements of the bottom line of laws and regulations, the bottom line of the socialist system, the bottom line of national interests, the bottom line of citizens' legitimate rights and interests, the bottom line of social public order, the bottom line of morality and the bottom line of information authenticity;


(10) Information containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.


3. Users are not allowed to use the hardware devices associated with the “Qi Link” APP to publish or disseminate, and content that infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:


(1) Contains any sexual or sexually suggestive content;


(2) Contains abusive, intimidating or threatening content;


(3) Contains harassment, spam advertising, malicious information, and deceptive information;


(4) Involving other people’s privacy, personal information or data;


(5) Infringement of others' reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legal rights;


(6) Contains other information that interferes with the normal operation of this service and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.


5. Rules of use

1. Users are not allowed to use the “Qi Link” APP to conduct the following behaviors:


(1) Manufacturing or counterfeiting counterfeit and shoddy goods;


(2) Products operated by unauthorized joint ventures;


(3) Products that infringe intellectual property protection;


(4) Products that induce consumption by minors;


(5) Products that harm the law on the protection of minors;


(6) Products for commercial purposes for illegal profit making;


(7) Other behaviors that violate laws and regulations, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users, and interfere with the normal operation of "Qi Link".


2. Users are solely responsible for the authenticity, legality, harmlessness, accuracy, validity, etc. of the information transmitted using the "Qi Link" account or this service. Any legal liability related to the information disseminated by the user shall be borne by the user himself. bear. If this causes damage to Qi Link or a third party, the user shall compensate it in accordance with the law.


4. The services provided by Qi Link may include advertisements, and users agree to display advertisements provided by Qi Link and third-party suppliers and partners during use. Unless expressly provided by laws and regulations, users shall be solely responsible for the transactions conducted based on the advertising information. Qi Link does not assume any responsibility for the loss or damage suffered by the users due to transactions conducted based on the advertising information or the content provided by the aforementioned advertisers. .


6. Data storage

1. Qi Link does not currently provide any remote data storage services.


7. Risk taking

1. The user understands and agrees that "Qi Link" only provides users with device control and human-computer interaction control applications. The user must be responsible for all actions used by the APP, including the products used by the user and the use environment, etc. resulting therefrom. any consequences. Users should make their own judgments on the content in "Qi Link" and this service and bear all risks arising from the use of the content, including risks arising from reliance on the correctness, completeness or usefulness of the content. Qi Link cannot and will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by user behavior.


If the user finds that anyone violates this agreement or uses the service in other inappropriate ways, please report or complain to QI Link immediately, and Qi Link will handle it in accordance with this agreement.


2. The user understands and agrees that due to business development needs, Qi Link reserves the right to unilaterally change, suspend, terminate or withdraw all or part of the service content of this service, and the user shall bear this risk.


8. Intellectual Property Statement

1. Except for the intellectual property rights related to advertisements in this service that are owned by the corresponding advertisers, the intellectual property rights of the content provided by Qi Link in this service (including but not limited to web pages, text, pictures, audio, videos, graphics, etc.) belong to All owned by Qi Link.


2. Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, patent rights and other intellectual property rights of the software on which Qi Link provides this service belong to Qi Link.


3. The copyright or trademark rights for the graphics, text or their compositions involved in this service, as well as other Qi Link logos and product and service names (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Qi Link logos"), belong to Qi Link. Without the prior written consent of Qi Link, users may not display or use the Qi Link logo in any way or otherwise process it, nor may they indicate to others that the user has the right to display, use, or otherwise process the Qi Link logo.


4. The above and any other intellectual property rights owned by Qi Link or related advertisers are protected by law. Users may not use or create related derivative works in any form without the written permission of Qi Link or related advertisers.


9. Legal liability

1. If Qi Link discovers or receives reports or complaints from others that users violate this agreement, Qi Link has the right to review, warn, ban, etc. the relevant hardware products at any time without notice, and notify users of the results.


2. Users understand and agree that Qi Link has the right to punish violations of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement based on reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal action against any user who violates laws and regulations, and save relevant information and report to relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations. etc., the user shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.


3. The user understands and agrees that the user shall compensate Qi Link and its cooperative companies and affiliated companies for any claims, demands or losses, including reasonable attorney fees, caused or incurred by any third party due to the user's violation of this agreement, and shall make be protected from damage.


10. Force majeure and other reasons for exemption

1. Users understand and confirm that in the process of using this service, they may encounter force majeure and other risk factors, which may cause the service to be interrupted. Force majeure refers to objective events that cannot be foreseen, cannot be overcome and cannot be avoided, and have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, and social events such as wars, turmoil, government actions, etc. . When the above situation occurs, Qi Link will strive to cooperate with relevant units as soon as possible and repair it in a timely manner. However, Qi Link and its cooperative units are not responsible for any losses caused to users or third parties to the extent permitted by law.


2. This service, like most Internet of Things services, is affected by differences in factors including but not limited to user reasons, network service quality, social environment, etc., and may be intruded by various security issues, such as others using the user's information, causing actual Harassment in daily life; other software downloaded and installed by users or other websites visited contain viruses such as "Trojan horses", which threaten the security of users' computer information and data, thereby affecting the normal use of this service, etc. Users should strengthen their awareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attention to strengthening password protection to avoid losses and harassment.


3. The user understands and confirms that the service may be interrupted or unable to meet user requirements due to force majeure, computer viruses or hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown, and any other technical, Internet, communication line reasons, etc. Qi Link does not bear any responsibility for any losses caused to users or third parties.


4. The user understands and confirms that during the use of this service, there will be any misleading, deceptive, threatening, defamatory, objectionable or illegal information from any other person, or anonymous information that infringes on the rights of others. Qi Link does not assume any responsibility for any losses caused to users or third parties due to any unauthorized or impersonated information, as well as the actions accompanying such information.


5. The user understands and confirms that Qi Link needs to regularly or irregularly inspect or maintain the "Qi Link" platform or related equipment. If the service is interrupted within a reasonable period of time due to such circumstances, Qi Link does not need to bear any responsibility for this. Any liability, but Qi Link shall provide prior notice.


6. Qi Link has the right to deal with illegal or breach of contract content in accordance with laws, regulations and this agreement. This right does not constitute Qi Link's obligations or commitments. Qi Link cannot guarantee that it will promptly detect illegal or breach of contract content or handle it accordingly.


7. The user understands and confirms that Qi Link does not assume any responsibility for the quality defects of the following products or services provided by Qi Link to users and any losses caused by them:


(1) Services provided by Qi Link to users free of charge;


(2) Any products or services provided by Qi Link to users.


8. Under no circumstances will Qi Link be liable for any indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special or punitive damages, including loss of profits suffered by users due to their use of "Qi Link" or this service. (Even if Qi Link has been advised of the possibility of such losses). Although this agreement may contain contradictory provisions, Qi Link's total liability to users, regardless of the cause or mode of conduct, will never exceed the fees paid by users to Qi Link for using the services provided by Qi Link (if any ).


11. Change, interruption and termination of services

1. In view of the particularity of the service, the user agrees that Qi Link has the right to change, interrupt or terminate part or all of the service at any time. If Qi Link changes, interrupts or terminates its services, Qi Link shall notify users before the change, interruption or termination.


2. If any of the following circumstances occurs, Qi Link has the right to change, interrupt or terminate the free services or paid services provided to users without assuming any liability to users or any third party:


(1) According to legal provisions, users should submit true information, but the information provided by the user is untrue or fails to provide reasonable proof;


(2) The user violates relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement;


(3) In accordance with legal provisions or requirements of competent authorities;


(4) For safety reasons or other necessary circumstances.


12. Others

1. Qi Link solemnly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt Qi Link from liability and restrict user rights. Users are asked to read carefully and consider the risks themselves. Minors should read this Agreement accompanied by a legal guardian.


2. The validity, interpretation and resolution of disputes of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any dispute or dispute arises between the user and Qi Link, it should first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the user agrees to submit the dispute or controversy to the jurisdiction of the people's court with jurisdiction over the place where Qi Link is domiciled (Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province).


3. No matter whether any provision of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions are still valid and binding on both parties.


4. If you have any questions outside the agreement, please send an email to: jamin@meshcore.cn and we will contact you as soon as possible.